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    Eventi Dipartimento
    8:00 am 19.06.2023 - 6:00 pm 23.06.2023


    Since 1978, under the patronship of the Real Analysis Exchange, international mathematical journal specialized in Real Analysis, the community of mathematicians working in this field organizes every year a conference called Summer Symposium in Real Analysis. During a week, talks by senior researchers alternate with presentations by junior researchers, PhD students and post-docs, selected by Scientific Advisors. As such, the Symposium allows discussions between experienced scholars and beginners in the field: developing inter-generational scientific exchanges is also one of its main focuses. Organized in important research centers all accross the Americas and Europe, it was held, e.g., in Smolenice (1991), Erice (1995), Łódź(1999), Oxford (2007), Chicago (2008), Budapest (2011), São Paulo (2013) Prague (2014), Saint-Petersburgh (2018) San Antonio (2019), and Paris and Orsay (2022). 
    The 45th Summer Symposium in Real Analysis will be "The Vanvitelli Symposium".
    It will be held just north of the Bay of Naples in historic, royal Caserta, Italy, June 19-23, 2023, in the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli". Talks will be scheduled beginning Monday morning, June 19 and conclude Friday afternoon, June 23.
    Website of the 45th Summer Symposium in Real Analysis:
    Previous editions and The Real Analysis Exchange:

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