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    Sitting online English Examination Data Analytics e Physics

                                               DATA ANALYTICS & PHYSICS 
    Prior to sitting the English examination remotely, candidates are kindly requested:
    - to download Microsoft Teams platform and register to this platform under their appropriate E-mail address;
    - to get access to Teams videoconferencing only after the examining members are duly connected;
    - to use their name and surname as a 'nickname';
    - to send copy of their personal identification document (passport for foreign applicants) to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.  prior to accessing the platform;
    - to turn off their audio and camera systems until they are called by name for the interview;
    - to follow any other guideline where most appropriate 'on site'.

    ​Bachelor's Degree in Data Analytics: English Language Admission Test

    The English language test will take place on Monday 4 September 2023 at 14.00 (local time) in the online format using Microsoft Teams platform.


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