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    Data management – exams Dottorato di ricerca in Matematica, Fisica e applicazioni per l’Ingegneria

    Data management – exams
    Dottorato di ricerca in Matematica, Fisica e applicazioni per l’Ingegneria
    Prof. Mauro Iacono
    Exams for the Data Management course will take place, in presence and with no excepton, on July, 14th, 2023
    at 9:00 (AULA B AULARIO 1). Students which are officially busy with other actvites are required to contact
    prof. Iacono via email, to request for another date.
    Each group will have 20 minutes to present the examinaton project. All project members are required to
    discuss part of their presentaton and will be evaluated. Projects have to be sent to prof. Iacono and prof.
    Mastroianni not later than a week before the date.
    Students that will decide to present a project must inform before June, 15th, prof. Iacono and prof. Mastroianni
    by email about the compositon of the group and the title of their project, with a single email having object
    “Data Management Project – Group communicaton” and with all the involved students in CC, including the
    students that already agreed about a project with prof. Iacono and prof. Mastroianni.
    Students that will decide not to present a project must contact prof. Iacono and prof. Mastroianni as soon as
    possible and anyway before July, 1st for the definiton of a writen/oral examination date.



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