Doctorate in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Applications
Organizza le notizie e gli avvisi riguardanti il Dottorato di Ricerca separandole dagli avvisi generici.
Doctorate in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Applications
dal Titolo “Functional Encryption per cifrature per cloud” finanziato dalla Fondazione Bruno Kessler nell’ambito del progetto Functional Encryption per cifrature per cloud BANDO (22 assegni) D. R. n. 1151 del 21/12/2023
Calendar of APRE courses for PhD students
1. 18 March 2024: "INTRODUCTION TO HORIZON EUROPE WITH FOCUS I PILAST" (ENGLISH) (compulsory for cycles)
2. 8 April 2024: "INTRODUCTION TO HORIZON EUROPE WITH FOCUS II PILAST" (ENGLISH) (compulsory for cycle XXXIX, optional for other cycles)
3. 15 May 2024: "INTRODUCTION TO HORIZON EUROPE WITH FOCUS III PILAST" (ENGLISH) (mandatory for cycle XXXIX, optional for other cycles)
4. 19 June 2024: " W TO WRITE A MSCA PROPOSAL" WITH A SPECIAL FOCUS ON POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS (ENGLISH) (mandatory for cycle XXXVII, optional for other cycles)
5. 10 July 2024: "HOW TO WRITE AN INFRASTRUCTURE PROPOSAL" (ENGLISH) (mandatory for cycle XXXVII, optional for other cycles)
6. 20 September 2024: "HOW TO WRITE AN ERC PROPOSAL" (ENGLISH) (mandatory for cycle XXXVII, optional for other cycles)
7. 16 October 2024: "OPEN SCIENCE" (ENGLISH) (mandatory for cycle XXXIX, optional for other cycles)
8. 13 November 2024: "GDPR" (ITALIAN) (NOT REQUIRED)
Other non-compulsory courses in Italian will be held on 13 March and 3 April on the legal and financial aspects of HEurope.
Consultare pagina Dottorato, scheda XXXIX CICLO sezione Concorso:
Dottorato di Ricerca in Matematica, Fisica e applicazioni per l'Ingegneria