Corso di laurea magistrale in MATEMATICA
CFU: 8,00
Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre
Lingua di insegnamento | Italiano |
Contenuti | Funzionalmento di reti di calcolatori. Paradigmi architetturali e di programmazione di sviluppo di applicazioni web. |
Testi di riferimento | Appunti dalle lezioni |
Obiettivi formativi | Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione (knowledge and understanding): |
Prerequisiti | Fondamenti di Informatica |
Metodologie didattiche | 48 ore di lezione, 24 ore di attività di laboratorio. Data la presenza di una prova d’esame pratica è consigliata la frequenza alle lezioni di laboratorio. |
Metodi di valutazione | L’esame si compone di due prove: una pratica ed una prova orale. |
Altre informazioni | E’ previsto il caricamento on-line di materiale didattico, esercitazioni e programmi di esempio. |
Programma del corso | Richiami di programmazione. Reti di calcolatori: stack di comunciazione. Livelli ISO-OSI. Protocolli TCP-IP. |
Teaching language | Italian |
Contents | Operation of computer networks. Architectural and programming paradigms for web application development. |
Textbook and course materials | Notes from lessons |
Course objectives | Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of the operating principles of computer networks. Knowledge of the architectural and programming paradigms of web application development. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Ability to build programs of increasing complexity through the application of modularity principles and through the use of widely used tools (IDE, version control tools). Communication skills: Ability to motivate design and implementation choices made in a logical and reasoned manner. Ability to use software development terminology At the end of the course the student will have to demonstrate: to know how to develop simple web programs; to know the operating principles of computer networks. Ability to learn (learnings skills): Ability to integrate the study of the proposed topics with external references capable of detailing what was presented in the course. |
Prerequisites | Foundations of Informatics |
Teaching methods | 48 hours of lessons, 24 hours of laboratory activities. Given the presence of a practical exam, attendance at laboratory lessons is recommended. |
Evaluation methods | The exam consists of two tests: a practical one and an oral test. The practical test consists in defining a project work with the student, which aims to ascertain the practical skills related to modeling and software development. The oral test aims to evaluate the reasoning skills on the course topics and verify the student's knowledge also through the connection of transversal contents and presentation ability. Students must show up for the test with an identification document. Consultation of educational and/or personal electronic material (smartphones, tablets, etc.) will not be permitted. The final grade will be expressed out of thirty. |
Other information | Online uploading of teaching material, exercises and example programs is foreseen. |
Course Syllabus | Programming reminders. Computer networks: communication stack. ISO-OSI levels. TCP-IP protocols. Application levels: the main protocols. The HTTP protocol. The microservices architectural model. Design and development of a REST interface. Cloud programming methods and techniques. |