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    Submission Guidelines

    Authors are welcome to submit contributions on the topic of Symbolic Data Analysis, in the form of an Extended Abstract (in English, not exceeding two pages, including references).

    The abstracts received will be reviewed by the scientific committee.

    Extended abstract submission DEADLINE is 10th June 2022  30th June 2022  New!!

    Notification to the authors will be sent by e-mail by 10th July 2022 20th July 2022  New!!

    Accepted abstracts will be included in the Book of Abstracts if the registration fee for the presenting author is paid before 10th July 2022  31st July 2022  New!!.

    The workshop's official language is English.


    All abstracts accepted will be presented in oral communication with a duration of around 30 min (including 5 minutes of discussion).

    All submitted Extended Abstracts must meet the following requirements:

    Submitted both in Latex and pdf format. The name of the files should include the first and last name of the first author and the title of the abstract, as in FirstName_LastName_Title.tex and FirstName_LastName_Title.pdf

    Figures, if included, should be sent together with the tex and pdf files. The names of the figure files (in pdf, jpg, or png) should be the ones referenced in the Latex file. These names should include the first and last name of the first author, as in FirstName_LastName_Figure1.pdf

    Submit to the following email Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

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