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    Joseph SEPE

    Insegnamento di INGLESE

    Corso di laurea in SCIENZE AMBIENTALI

    SSD: NN

    CFU: 4,00


    Periodo di Erogazione: Primo Semestre


    Lingua di insegnamento


    Testi di riferimento

    testi in lingua inglese

    Obiettivi formativi

    La finalità del corso di lingua inglese in scienze Ambientali consenta agli studenti di acquisire i mezzi linguistiche necessarie per.

    • gestire materiale scientifico in lingua inglese, anche in previsione della tesi di laurea;

    • acquisire la principale terminologia scientifica;

    • capire le strutture grammaticali e sintattiche della lingua inglese e finalizzarle alla comprensione di articoli scientifici;

    • Diventare competitivi nel mondo di “publish or perish” (o pubblichi o muori);


    Teaching language



    Hostile cell design project
    1. Examine the hostile environments and understand the dynamics of the project.
    2. Form groups of 3 people by next meeting (Friday).
    3. Understand the characteristics of life.
    4. 1. Develop a Search Statement.
    5. Criteria for Evaluating Sources
    6. Council of Science Editors Citation Style 

    Textbook and course materials

    Materials provided

    Course objectives

    Be able to problem solve in English
    Write a search statement
    Use international sources
    Evaluate sources
    Cite sources correctly



    Teaching methods

    lecture, reading, speaking skills
    Mandatory attendance
    Twenty-four hr. of classtime face-to-face

    Evaluation methods

    students will be graded by the following criteria:
    • 0-5 points for English literacy (grammar, spelling and punctuation)
    • 0-5 points for organization and presentation of topic
    • 0-5 points for proper citation and the use of sources
    • 0-5 points for the mastery of biological concepts

    Other information

    Academic Search Engines
    Boolean Operators

    Course Syllabus

    How to do your investigation
    1. Get started by putting together a group.
    2. Choose a hostile environment from the list of 10.
    3. Decide on keywords to place in search engines (Pubmed, google scholar, Sci Hub, GetCITED, Microsoft Academic Research, Bioline International, BioOne, MRS, All Species Toolkit, Europe PMC, Semantic Scholar, The zoological Record).
    4. Write down and save your keywords and search engines and save the information for the report.
    5. As a group decide on an organism that can thrive in the environment you have chosen.
    6. Decide on the order or authors in your study (the person with the idea becomes the first author.
    7. Investigate the anatomical and physiological features of the organism.
    8. Investigate further at the cellular level (special components of the plasma membrane. particular macromolecules (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids)
    9. Keep track of who does what.
    10. Keep track of your references (choose reputable resources)

    To evaluate the scientific literature ask yourselves these questions:
    1. What am I being asked to believe?
    2. What is the scientific evidence?
    3. Can you interpret the evidence in another way?
    4. Does your source have a bias?
    5. Do you have any biases?

    How to write your paper.
    Follow the Scientific Method

    Write a 250 word structured abstract, not including at least 3 references.

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